Rojava Solidarity Committee Formed in Mexico

On the 12th of April in Mexico City, intellectuals, academics, political organizations launched a campaign titled “Let’s defend life in Rojava in the time of Covid-19”. The call was launched by the Committee in Solidarity with Kurdistan-CDMX within the framework of the Global Day for Life. The call includes a petition signed by activists, academics and … Read more

Turkish Military Breaks Global Corona Ceasefire

Despite recent calls by the UN for a global ceasefire as part of efforts to limit the impact of Covid-19, Turkish military forces have continued military operations as part of their illegal occupation of Northeastern Syria. These attacks should be seen as repeated and severe crimes against humanity. On the 23rd of March, Turkish artillery … Read more

Reading: closed down pub re-opens as Kobanî House social space

The closed Red Lion pub in Reading was reopened and renamed ‘Kobanî House’ in solidarity with Rojava. The pub, located at Southampton Street, is currently occupied by a group of people and will be run as a social and political space. One of the occupiers said: “In solidarity with the Kurdish Freedom Movement we decided … Read more