Turkey Remains On UK’s Travel Red List

Despite intensive lobbying from the Turkish government and tourism companies, Turkey has not been taken off the UK’s travel red list. Travel to and from red list countries is highly restricted and requires paying up to £2,285 per traveller for an 11-day quarantine upon return to the UK. France has moved to upgrade Turkey from … Read more

Global Day of Action Sees Protests Against Turkish Violence

Organisers and community groups across the world took part in a global weekend of action in solidarity with the democratic revolution in Rojava. The revolution’s multi-ethnic feminist democracy has long been considered a threat by Turkey as it poses an alternative to the violent nationalist policies of the regime. As part of these actions activists … Read more

Turkish Air Force Bombs Southern Kurdistan

On Sunday the 14th of June, the Turkish air force launched 81 separate air strikes across Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) in an apparent escalation of military operations in the region. Several of the 81 locations hit by Turkish bombardment were civilian settlements such Maxmur, Shengal, Kandil, Zap and Xakurk. Previous air strikes against the refugee … Read more

Turkey Continues Undemocratic Repression of the HDP

A New Wave of Repression The Turkish state’s campaign of oppression against the HDP opposition part and of other political activists has seen increasing escalation with more arrests of democratically elected politicians especially in majority-Kurdish regions of Turkey. This new wave of repression began on Tuesday the 9th in Amed with raids against prisoner solidarity … Read more

Leyla Güven Released After Condemnation of Her Arrest

The opposition MP Leyla Güven, a member of parliament for the HDP in the region of Hakkari has been unexpectedly released by Turkish authorities after her arrest on Friday 5th drew strong criticism in Turkey and around the globe. Leyla Güven has previously drawn a great deal of attention to the cause of political prisoners … Read more

Persecution of Women’s Rights Activists in Amed

On Friday the 22nd Turkish police raided the homes of several activists involved in Women’s associations and activist groups in the majority Kurdish city of Amed. 18 activists were detained by the state, and 12 of theses detainees have now been jailed relating to terrorism charges. Four activists have now been released on bail. The … Read more

Protests in Europe and Turkey Against Seizures of HDP Municipalities

The undemocratic seizure of five more HDP municipalities by the Turkish state has provoked protests across Europe and Turkey. With activists demonstrating against the dictatorial actions in several cities and civil society groups condemning the seizures. Europe: In France, socially distanced protests took place in various cities. Kurdish Youth Movement activists in Drancy, Toulouse and … Read more

Continued Condemnations of the Mexmûr Bombings

Across Europe, civil society, politicians, activists and Kurdish community groups have continued to condemn the Turkish bombing of the Mexmûr refugee camp. The continued embargo of the camp by the KDP regional government in Iraq has also faced strong criticism. The attack by Turkish military aircraft left three dead and drew international condemnation. In Strasbourg, … Read more

Continued Protests Against Turkish Attacks on Southern Kurdistan

Activists across Europe have protested Turkish military operations in Southern Kurdistan (Iraq). The attacks have received attention for their brutal violation of human rights with many civilians coming under bombardment. Despite the threat of Coronavirus activists have continued to protest the Turkish state whilst making sure to follow medical advice on social distancing and the … Read more