Turkey Accused of Deporting Uighurs to China

Turkey has been accused of deporting Uighur Muslims back to China via third countries that neighbor the western Chinese province of Xinjiang, where hundreds of thousands are said to be held in concentration camps, the Middle East Eye reported. Ankara denies that it has deported Uighur Muslims to China, but activists fear that Turkey has sent … Read more

Turkish Parliament Approves New Law Clamping Down On Social Media

This Wednesday the Turkish parliament ratified a bill, proposed by the AKP-MHP regime, that will give the state greater powers to restrict social media. The legislation comes as the Erdoğan government faces growing protests both online and in the streets. With the amendment, social media companies with more than one million users must appoint a … Read more

Turkish Air Force Bombs Southern Kurdistan

On Sunday the 14th of June, the Turkish air force launched 81 separate air strikes across Southern Kurdistan (Northern Iraq) in an apparent escalation of military operations in the region. Several of the 81 locations hit by Turkish bombardment were civilian settlements such Maxmur, Shengal, Kandil, Zap and Xakurk. Previous air strikes against the refugee … Read more

Ethnic Cleansing and Patriarchal Violence in Turkish Occupied Afrin

Following the illegal invasion of the Kurdish city of Afrin in Syria in 2018 the area has been under the control of Turkey and its Jihadist allies. The Turkish occupation has seen continued acts of horrific violence especially against women and ethnic cleansing. Evidence from the occupation has shown repeated acts of violence, looting and … Read more

Persecution of Women’s Rights Activists in Amed

On Friday the 22nd Turkish police raided the homes of several activists involved in Women’s associations and activist groups in the majority Kurdish city of Amed. 18 activists were detained by the state, and 12 of theses detainees have now been jailed relating to terrorism charges. Four activists have now been released on bail. The … Read more

Turkish Border Guards Shoot Another Kurdish Civilian Dead

According to a report by the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, the Turkish Border Guard (Jandarma) have shot dead a Kurdish farmer. The farmer was working on his land near Dirna Aghi in the Jal Agha/Al-Jawadiyah district of Al-Qamishli (Qamişlo), when the Jandarma shot him. The shooting of civilians by the Turkish border guards is … Read more

Protests in Europe and Turkey Against Seizures of HDP Municipalities

The undemocratic seizure of five more HDP municipalities by the Turkish state has provoked protests across Europe and Turkey. With activists demonstrating against the dictatorial actions in several cities and civil society groups condemning the seizures. Europe: In France, socially distanced protests took place in various cities. Kurdish Youth Movement activists in Drancy, Toulouse and … Read more

Turkish Regime Seizes Five More Municipalities

Five more municipalities in Turkey, held by opposition parties, have been undemocratically seized by the AKP-MHP government. The municaplities’ democratically elected representatives have been replaced by unelected ‘trustees’ chosen by the regime. All five municipalities had originally been won by the HDP party in 2019 local elections. The seized municiaplites include; the cities of Siirt … Read more

Turkish Invasion of Northern Syria Hinders The Fight Against Corona Virus

A report by Human Rights Watch, detailing the impact of the conflict in Northern Syria on the region’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, has highlighted the severe impact of Turkish military aggression in the area. The report notes how years of military action by Turkey, ISIS and other Jihadist groups have done a great deal … Read more

Turkish Rocket Attacks Against Rojava

According to reports from the Syrian Observatory of Human Rights, Northeastern Syria has been hit by numerous rocket attacks in recent days. Turkish military forces and their allied Jihadist proxies “fired several rockets in the early hours of Friday morning, targeting the villages of Al-Fakkah, Abboush, Qabbour, Qarajnah, Qabr Al-Kebar and Al-Darrarah in Tal Tamr … Read more