Turkish Invasion of Northern Syria Hinders The Fight Against Corona Virus

A report by Human Rights Watch, detailing the impact of the conflict in Northern Syria on the region’s response to the Covid-19 crisis, has highlighted the severe impact of Turkish military aggression in the area. The report notes how years of military action by Turkey, ISIS and other Jihadist groups have done a great deal … Read more

Thousands Pay Respects To Grup Yorum Musician İbrahim Gökçek

Ibrahim Gökçek, bassist of the folk band Grup Yorum, led a death fast protest for 323 days in protest at the state repression against his group. With the protest, the 39-year-old musician demanded the lifting of the concert ban of Grup Yorum, an end to police raids against the Idil cultural centre, the release of … Read more

Stuttgart Protest in Solidarity with Political Prisoners

Activists in the German city of Stuttgart took action in solidarity with the thousands of political prisoners incarcerated by the authoritarian Turkish state. Activists unfurled a banner on a Lurdwigsburg-Stuttgart bridge saying “Freedom for all political prisoners”. The issue of political prisoners has become increasingly prominent in Turkey following the recent “Law of Execution” passed in parliament. … Read more

Opposition Parties Call For An End to Undemocratic Interference in Kars

In a joint declaration 122 democratic institutions, associations, platforms and political parties in Turkey said they won’t tolerate the restriction of the powers of local opposition governments and threats to appoint trustees.  Through this “Hands Off Kars” Declaration, the signatories have expressed their solidarity and support for the Kars municipality after recent rhetoric by the AKP government … Read more

Continued Protests Against Turkish Attacks on Southern Kurdistan

Activists across Europe have protested Turkish military operations in Southern Kurdistan (Iraq). The attacks have received attention for their brutal violation of human rights with many civilians coming under bombardment. Despite the threat of Coronavirus activists have continued to protest the Turkish state whilst making sure to follow medical advice on social distancing and the … Read more

BTI Classifies Turkey as an Autocracy for the First Time

Restricted freedom of expression, a gagged press or disempowered constitutional courts – as a rule, these are characteristics of autocracies. But the Bertelsmann Stiftung’s latest Transformation Index shows that the rule of law and political freedoms are also being eroded in an increasing number of democracies. The main causes are abuse of power and cronyism, … Read more

Erdoğan Criticised For Palace Construction During Covid-19 Crisis

Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has faced mounting criticism for the continued construction of a palace in Ahlat, province of Bitlis, on the shores of Lake Van. The Palace is set to cost 125 million Turkish Lira. The growing death toll of Covid-19 and a lack of medical resources in Turkey has prompted critics to point … Read more

Fake Disinfectant Circulated in Amed

The Trustee appointed to oversee the municipality of Amed (Diyarbakir), after the much criticised arrest of the democratically elected mayor, has been criticised after the circulation of fake disinfectant was uncovered. The city is a majority Kurdish city and the scandal has vindicated many who feel that the state’s weak response to Covid-19 has been … Read more